Calm Kids Coach


I am a mum to a grown up son. I struggled to find answers when my son was growing up. At the age of 3, I found he did not like change of any kind especially when he did not know something was happening (if his nursery teacher was off sick, his behaviour for that day would be very challenging indeed). We lived with sticker charts for years and they worked. By working closely with the nursery staff and trying to understand the emotion he was experiencing, we found a way forward. On entering his school years, we also discovered his whirlwind behaviour at school was caused by boredom as he had finished the exercise in record time and then he would start annoying the rest of his classmates. By giving him more work or a challenge to figure out, he was then focused again.


I work with children and young people using fun exercises to help then move from anxiety to having a calmer mind.

Can help with exam stress, bullying, confidence issues



A Happiness Machine created by a child